Stretch Mark + Scar Camouflage
Expectations, Before/Aftercare, + Healing
Paramedical Camouflage Tattooing blurs and reduces the appearance of imperfections such as scar and stretch marks - and with the procedure we typically see really good results just after 1 treatment but typically individuals may require additional sessions for optimal results. We won't know what that might look like for YOU until we actually start seeing the progress. We will monitor the progress on a case by case basis and we do that through photo. You and I will always be in communication about your healing progress and if we'll be needing additional appointments.
Stretch marks are a type of scar. Scarred skin is compromised & has different degrees of scarring. 2 sessions are minimum but additional sessions may be expected depending on the severity of the scarring & the body’s ability to retain pigment in the area. This is something you or I can’t control.
Quick Links
1. Contraindications
2. Prepare for Your Appointment
3. During your Appointment
4. Aftercare Instructions
Before you come in
Refrain from using Accutane for 6-12 months
Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil for 3 days prior to treatment. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation.
Avoidance of IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure or sunburn for 2 weeks prior. We want to prevent a sun burn. We cannot work on burned, irritated skin.
No shaving the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation to the area being treated. If there is dense hair present in the treatment area, closely shave the area the day before you arrive to your appointment.
Avoid blood thinning agents (aspirin, fish oil, Omega-3, Vitamin E) for 1 week prior.
Avoid caffeine 48 hours prior to the appointment.
What Factors Can Affect My Results:
Natural Skin tones and body’s ability to heal
Skin characteristics (dry, oily, thickness, sun damage)
The level of acidity in the skin
Alcohol and Caffeine intake
Individual ability to heal
Severity of scarring
Underlying conditions
Improper Care
Blood thinners (medication, vitamins, supplements)
During your appointment
To start the procedure, your specialist will color match the surrounding skin and create a custom blended pigment formulation, then proceed to prep your skin with alcohol and take before/after photos & will be sent to you. This is a really great way to monitor and manage the progress that we're seeing. Your specialist will use a rotary machine and specialized needles, so we're actually going to be "tattooing" the custom blended pigments into the skin - and takes a 45-120 days to heal and see the true nature of your results- in which we'll determine if you're ready for another appointment. If so it will be between the 8-16 week mark (depending on how your body is healing).
How will I look immediately after?
There’s little to no downtime. Most clients can resume work the same day, or even go out to dinner after their session. It’s normal to experience redness and swelling immediately after the procedure for 1-4 days. For the first 3 days, you’ll be given strict instructions on how to minimize inflammation, speed up the wound-healing phase, and how to “ice” the area and keep it clean. Over the next few weeks, the redness will dissipate and go through a variety of shades (from dark to light) until your skin heals. We’ll be in contact with you every step of the way. Remember, this isn’t magic - this is a journey that requires trust and patience.
It is very important to follow the post-procedure care of camouflaging so that proper healing occurs. Camouflage is a tattoo, so during the recovery process, it requires special care to encourage healing. Scars are damaged skin and treatment requires time and patience. This is a journey not magic.
Immediately after your procedure, your skin will be red, raised and angry.
Avoid wearing tight clothing for the next 2 - 3 days.
Avoid scratching or peeling to prevent infection or discoloration.
Avoid excessive sweating for 7 days. Moderate exercise is fine after 2 days of the treatment.
Avoid exposing the area to the full water pressure of the shower for 7 days.
Avoid tanning and swimming (beach, pool, Jacuzzi, bath, etc.) for 40 days.
Avoid sunscreen, self-tanning or any cream that contains Vitamin D for 40 days.
Avoid perfume and deodorant near or in the treated area.
Day 1
Do not take Advil or other blood thinner after the procedure (next 24 hours)
Redness, swelling, tightness, feeling of being sunburned is a normal reaction
Do not shower for 24 hours if possible. if showering in the first 24 hrs keep the area treated as dry as possible
Cold compress the area(s) at least 3x daily for 10 minutes or as needed to reduce swelling. NO ICE just use a cold compress or ice-cold water.
If the treatment area is left uncovered, apply a thin layer of Aquaphor (or something similar) 2-3 times daily with a clean hand or clean Q-tip for the next 20 days.
Day 2-7
Area will become dry, flakey and possibly a small amount of scabbing (DO NOT PICK)
Day 2-3: Continue to cold compress the areas at least 3x daily for 10 minutes or as needed to reduce swelling. NO ICE, just use a cold compress or ice-cold water.
Continue to apply a thin layer aquaphor 2-3 times a day for the next 20 days.
Avoid submerging into water and saunas, steam rooms
Avoid sweating and exercise
Avoid exposing the area to the full water pressure of the shower for 7 days.
Gently clean the area with antibacterial soap 2 times a day
The skin may be dry and flakey and angry looking
The skin will be less angry, less swollen, and a little more flat
OPT: Use Cicaplast 2xs a day and massage thoroughly into the treated area. If the area still feels a bit dry you may apply the Cereve/Coconut Oil.
After 2 weeks,
Even though you may still be seeing your skin returning to normal it's not uncommon to see redness and/or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Send photos in 4-6 wks so we can can follow up to see if you're ready for the next session of if your body needs more time to heal. Some people heal faster/slower depending on your individual body health, metabolism, and lifestyle. If you're healing slowly next session will be around the 90 day mark/ Do not be put out on this, if that's the case we need to make sure your body is healing to its full potential before continuing treatment.
Note that darker skin types may need 3-6 months between treatments to completely heal and encourage properly healing to reduce the risk of strong hyperpigmentation or hypo-pigmentation, or scarring/trauma.
Avoid Sun Exposure
During the 60-day healing period, keep the camouflaged area away from the sun. Sun exposure disrupts healing and pigment fixation by triggering inflammation in the dermis, leading to pigment re-absorption. Use sunblock (sunscreens or UV wear) and steer clear of the beach and pool to prevent infections.
Do Not Remove Scabs
Do not remove the scab at all times. It might shed on its own, and its function is to protect against skin infections. Picking off the scabs will result in removal of pigment and can cause damage to the skin.
Do Not Scratch
It's common to feel the urge to scratch the camouflaged area, but opt for gentle patting instead to soothe without hindering healing. If itching persists strongly, it's best to consult a dermatologist as it could indicate an allergic reaction to the ink.
Avoid These Foods
Steer clear of fatty and spicy foods during the healing process to prevent potential allergies and interference with healing. This includes pork, chocolate, mayonnaise, eggs, fried foods, seasoning, spices, and preservatives like ketchup, snacks, cinnamon, pepper, salt, canned foods, sausages, and fast food. Additionally, avoid fish, seafood, and malls for the first 30 days.
Normal Progression of Procedure
During healing, expect stretch marks/scars to appear dark; don't worry, this is normal. It can take 60-90 days for your skin to fully heal to its new tone. Hyperchromia or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can occur naturally during healing and may last 60-120 days, typically appearing around the 2-3 week mark.
Very dark and slightly uneven NORMAL
Color change or color loss. As the scars & stretch mark area heals, the ink may turn red, then pink, then brown, or purple. Again...This is normal
Wait until the procedure area is fully healed before addressing any concerns. This typically takes at least two months (45-60 days), but may extend to 60-120 days depending on your skin's healing response. While touch-up sessions can be scheduled sooner, remember that final healing requires a minimum of 60 days after the last session.
Failure to follow aftercare instructions may result in infections, pigment loss, or discoloration.